New Tool: Customized Spray Plans Can Now Be Configured Digitally
Kwizda Agro offers winegrowers a regional spray plan that can be customized with a new digital tool.
Vienna, 15 March 2023 - With the Spray Plan Configurator from Kwizda Agro, available since March 1st, 2023, winegrowers can now handle spray planning digitally for the entire year in Austria. By entering just four parameters, the digital tool creates a tailor-made proposal of suitable plant protection and fertilizer products for the operation - both for conventional and organic viticulture. The proposal can be individually adapted by the winegrower through a link with the AGES database.
The Kwizda Agro Spray Plan Configurator is available for free at www.kwizda-agro.at/spritzplankonfigurator and is an innovative and unique service for viticulture in Austria.
"Kwizda Agro works closely with winegrowers in consultation and knows the challenges involved in planning plant protection and fertilizers. Our goal is to support winemakers in their work as best and reliably as possible so that they can produce a high-quality product from their harvest. With our Spray Plan Configurator, we are now providing winegrowers with an easy-to-use online service that farmers can use flexibly and according to their needs when planning plant protection applications. The application, of course, reflects our own product range, but can be supplemented as required by all plant protection products registered with AGES," explains Andreas Reischütz, Country Manager Austria. With this, Kwizda Agro in Austria is the only company that offers a digital spray plan configurator for both organic and conventional viticulture. The company thus underlines its decades of expertise in healthy vines and safe harvests in viticulture.
Annual planning with just a few clicks
The digital Spray Plan Configurator from Kwizda Agro is a desktop application that creates a regionally adapted spray plan. The background database is filled with all relevant regional features, which are determined by entering the corresponding zip code. Based on a few details, the appropriate products are then suggested for the different growth phases and in the correct dosages - for both organic and conventional areas. All selected products are automatically added to the shopping list, including the available container sizes, by specifying the hectare size. The complete plan for a whole year is thus created quickly and easily. It is also saved and can be continuously adapted to changing conditions. Thus, the digital Spray Plan Configurator optimally combines the knowledge of Kwizda Agro with the experience of winegrowers.
Further crops to follow in 2024
The Spray Plan Configurator from Kwizda Agro is a reliable solution that can be accessed by winegrowers at any time at www.kwizda-agro.at/spritzplankonfigurator and used for personal annual planning. In 2024, the spray plan configurator will be extended to other crops and, subsequently, to other countries such as Hungary and Romania.
About Kwizda Agro
Kwizda Agro GmbH is one of the leading suppliers of chemical and biological pesticides in Austria. Kwizda Agro is part of the Kwizda group, consisting of the business areas pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical trade, agro and sealing systems. In total, over 300 employees work at the various Kwizda Agro locations. The head office is in Vienna. There are sales locations for crop protection in addition to Austria in Hungary and Romania, and for the biocides sector also in France, Germany, Italy and Spain. The New Tech division concentrates on the development and international sales of proprietary and innovative biological products for forestry as well as special crops and arable farming.
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Further press inquiries:
Kwizda Agro GmbH
Mike Oberbichler
Mail: presse@kwizda.at
Mobile: +43 660 5068 451